Hit Gelamp is a London based company which uses shadow theatre, puppetry and performance to tell stories.

We use the body, its shadow and puppet forms both in front and behind the screen to explore shifting levels of meaning.

Louise Radinger set up Hit Gelamp originally in 2010 while collaborating with artist John Dodgson to make the production Madeleine on Tiptoe.

Louise had recently returned from Bamberg in Germany where she had been training with Norbert Götz, founder of Theater der Schatten. Madeleine was performed by Louise and John and reprised for the Little Angel Suspense Theatre Festival by Louise and actor/puppeteer Chand Martinez.

"fresh and inventive" - Animations Online

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Hit Gelamp is currently researching and developing Metamorphosis, a new show which will be ready for performance in 2015. Louise is collaborating with fellow shadow theatre maker, puppeteer and artist Sabrina Recoules-Quang of Théâtre du 1K.

Louise and Sabrina met on a long-string marionette course at the Little Angel Theatre and studied together at Spacelab at LISPA.